
Gauntlet turned my strange new world inside out

community students promises gauntlet discipleship

At the summer Fuse event, Michael Corcione discovered the difference community makes. Press play for his baptism video.

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If you want to make a difference, you’ll need this

discipline discipleship

Some people are born to run. They love the feeling of wind in their hair, the blood pumping through their veins, the road before them and...

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Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays: Does it really matter?

evangelism christmas discipleship

Each December, a new scandal kicks off everyone’s favorite seasonal debate: “Merry Christmas” vs. “Happ...

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Three truths to help us embrace change

trust fear discipleship following jesus

Fall is upon us. We can hear the winds of change rustling the air. Leaves tumble to the ground, and mornings whisk our breath away with t...

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Why it’s important to stop running from silence

busyness discipleship characteristics of god

No cure. Complex. Degenerative. As I left the doctor’s office, I tried to wrap my mind around what was happening, but I didn&rsquo...

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Are you trying to man-handle God?

trust faith discipleship following jesus

Thanks to Hollywood, almost everyone knows the story of Moses.  God used him to lead the Israelites out of Egypt and gave him the Te...

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How to simplify your busy life

stress busyness discipleship

Our lives are full of so much activity every day. We live in an age where social media, instant communication, and fast service are the n...

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Gauntlet was the beginning of the rest of my life

salvation serving baptism purpose gauntlet discipleship

Avery Robbins thought she was only signing up for a week of fun, but what changed in her is now changing others.

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When was the last time you marveled at God’s creation?

discipleship characteristics of god environment

I recently went on a road trip with two of my best friends and spent two and a half weeks in the woods, deserts, and canyons of the West ...

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How to know God’s will

From Genesis: A 7-Week Devotional

discipleship god's will

Most of us would love to hear the audible voice of God. But let’s be real: Even if God spoke to us audibly, we would probably still...

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My gift of a “spiritual mom” and friend when I needed one

relationships prayer parenting hospitality friendship discipleship mothers mentoring

 Allie Struble’s surprising connection with volunteer Cinda Fischer was the turning point for her growth i...

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To be a disciple takes discipline

discipline discipleship

I did it again. I’m ashamed that I continually fail in the same area, but this unhealthy pattern has characterized the majority of ...

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