Myrtle Beach News


New Series: The Art of Work and Rest

Do you want to know more about what the Bible says about work and rest? Join us this Sunday for the first week of our new series, The Art...

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Late Morning Men’s Group

A new Men’s Group begins Thursday, July 11 at 10:30am and continues every other Thursday for the rest of the summer.  Men of all age...

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Outreach Spotlight - Campus Outreach

The recent growth in our Young Adult presence has been inspiring, and many have commented on it as a hopeful sign for the future. We’d li...

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A Note From Pastor Johnathan

Can you believe we are halfway through the year? Where does the time go? Let’s take July to reflect, slow down, and wait to hear from God...

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Celebrate Gauntlet 2024

Wow! What a week we had at Gauntlet. This past week, we saw the Lord’s faithfulness through worship, teaching, salvation, and baptism! Ch...

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Thank You to NewSpring- Simon from Kenya Church Plant

church planting

NewSpring family, we are so excited to see all that God has done through our church plant in Kenya during their first year as a church! I...

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Meet our new church planters!

church planting

Most of this year’s Overflow Offering will help us build a permanent home for the Aiken Campus, but a portion of all funds raised will al...

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Israel Prayer Update

As a church, we’re committed to continue praying for the crisis in Israel and surrounding regions. Watch this video for an update on...

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Pray for Israel

As a church, we’re committed to praying for the crisis in Israel and surrounding regions. We invite everyone to pray through the Psalms o...

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What is Vision 2030?

church planting

We want to see everyone everywhere in an everyday relationship with Jesus — and yes, we’ve got some work to do. The first step? For us, i...

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What is "The Daily?"

The Daily is the everyday practice of gratitude, prayer, and Bible reading — all within the NewSpring App.

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Praying for our Partners

NewSpring Church partners with organizations, missionaries, and churches around the world. In addition to providing financial support, we...

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