In 2020, our leadership team prayed and sought the Lord for the future of NewSpring Church. We believe He made three things abundantly clear. We call these goals “Vision 2030.”

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All NewSpring Campuses in Permanent Homes

Out of our 13 locations across the state, some campuses are still leasing their facilities.

We want to see the Aiken, Charleston, and Myrtle Beach campuses established in their permanent facility by 2030. We are excited about having a permanent presence in these communities!

Plant Ten Churches

We will identify, train, and send out people we believe have been called by God and are ready to start a new church — not a NewSpring campus.

We believe these new churches will be planted outside the state of South Carolina through NewSpring Network. We also strongly believe God will raise up other people in our church who will feel called to go and be a part of these church plants!

Be Debt Free

Completed 2023

We dreamed of being debt-free since January 2017—when we started the year with a $45 million debt balance largely due to facility-building projects.

In 2017, NewSpring’s leadership team made two important decisions: we won’t take on any additional debt, and we will give 10% of our general tithes and offerings to other Christ-centered churches and mission organizations.

Within six years, the entire $45 million was paid off! During that same timeframe, we were able to give away close to $25 million to 600+ organizations.

How Do We Fund this Vision?

Vision 2030 becomes more of a reality when we trust God at His Word and give our tithes and offerings.

Learn more about why we give or give your tithe or offering below!

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